Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lobster Bisque

The other day I made some lobster broth and used some of it to make a pasta dish. Tonight I used the remaining broth to make a bisque to go with the fresh baguette that we bought from Kensington Market.

When I made the broth, I didn't strain away the vegetables that were used for making the broth. Instead, I blended the vegetable to give the broth some nice volume. So this bisque doesn't need too much cream to get thickened up. In fact I ran out of cream and only used milk in this recipe tonight but it still tasted as good as using cream.

Here is the Lobster Bisque from my kitchen:

10 cups of lobster broth
1/4 cup of each cream and milk, or 1/2 cup of milk


  1. Heat up the lobster broth in a pot. I fried some bacon in the morning and left with a pot with bacon bits sticked to the bottom. So I wiped off the bacon fat and used the same pot for heating up the broth to add more flavor.
  2. When the broth boils, add in cream and/or milk and stir well.
  3. Turn off the heat when it boils up again and serve hot immediately.

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