Friday, April 10, 2015

Sous Vide Egg (at the Office!)

Working at the downtown core, I have easy access to all sorts of food and restaurants anytime. But occasionally I crave a soothing snack, and that's when I invented this interesting egg recipe. I experimented this last week at the office and it tasted great with my instant ramen noodles! 

So here is the Sous Vide Egg from my kitchen (or should I say office):

1 egg
Some kitchen paper towel
A small thermos

You will also need a kettle from your office or a coffee maker that can dispense hot water.


  1. Before going to work, I packed a raw egg by loosely wrapping it with paper towel then carried it in the small thermos.
  2. 1/2 hour before I wanted to have my snack, I removed the paper towel and filled the thermos with hot water until the egg was completely submerged. 
  3. Then immediately closed the lid and let it sit for 1/2 hour.
  4. After 1/2 hour, poured out the hot water and soaked the egg in cold water for few minutes.
  5. Gently cracked the egg, poured it out and served hot immediately.
I have to say that this "Sous Vide" egg was not perfectly cooked, as the yolk was done more than the white and the yoke should be a bit more runny. Hey, but this was done in the office without a kitchen. Don't you agree that all snacks taste ten times better in the office??

It was interesting that the yolk was cooked faster that the white. So I did some research online. Apparently a yolk starts thickening at 150 F (60.5 C) while the white starts at 184 F (84.5C). The perfect temperature to semi-cook an egg to produce a same consistence for both the yolk and white is 63 C. So I believe the water I used for cooking my egg at the office, which was from the coffee dispenser, was at about 70-75 C (Too bad that I didn't carry a thermometer that day right?). It seems like the hot water from a coffee dispenser is always not as hot as from a kettle, which is perfect for making Sous Vide eggs. So if your office only has kettles, I would suggest you to let the boiled water cool down a bit before submerging the egg in it. Give this a try and let me know how it goes. Have fun!

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