Sunday, January 10, 2016

5 Minute Okra Salad

One of my favourite no oil salads and is super easy to make. A 3-year-old can master this.
This recipe works well for avocados too. Just substitute the okras with an avocado.

Fresh okras
Soy sauce
Toasted sesame seeds

  1. Wash the okras then blench them in hot water for no more than 2 minutes. I prefer to blench vegetables in simmering water, not boiling.
  2. Remove the okras from hot water then soak them in cold water until they cool down completely. Keep changing the water to keep the temperature low.
  3. While the okras are cooling down, prepare the sauce. In a bowl, combine soy sauce (about 1/2 tsp. for the okras I have here), a slash of water, and wasabi to your taste. Mix well.
  4. Drain the okras well and slice them into 1 cm pieces. I like to keep the stems too. Put the okras into the soy sauce mix and toss well. Taste it and adjust the flavour accordingly. If it's too salty or too spicy, pour out some sauce and mix in a bit of water. The salad tastes good at room temperature but tastes even better when it's cold. To serve it cold, keep it in the fridge for at least 1/2 hour and sprinkle sesame seeds right before serving.

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