Monday, March 9, 2015


This is a fool-proof recipe and a special cooking method that my dear friend left for me. I can whip this up easily for a weekend brunch without looking at the recipe. I am passing this to my kids, hoping that they will keep this to use one day.

Here are the Crepes from my kitchen:

Ingredients (make 12)
8 eggs
1 cup of all purpose flour
2 cups of milk
1 tbs. of oil

For savory crepes, include the following ingredients
1 egg per crepe
Shredded cheese
Flake canned tuna in olive oil
Fresh parsley, finely chopped


  1. In a big mixing bowl, crack in all the eggs and beat well.
  2. Add milk and flour then mix well with a whisk.
  3. Put a sift over another big bowl and pour the mixture through the sift. Use the whisk to break all the lumps and pass all the mixture through the sift.
  4. Repeat step 3 two more times.
  5. Whisk in the oil and that's the crepe batter.
  6. Let the batter rest for at least 30 minutes or overnight in the fridge if not cooking immediately.
  7. When ready to cook, let the batter rest on the counter top to bring it back to room temperature. Heat up a big non stick pan. Add a little oil and spread the oil around using a paper towel.
  8. Turn the heat down to medium. Use one hand to hold the pan handle and your writing hand to add in 1/3 cup of the batter into the pan. As soon as the batter is added, quickly swirl the pan around so that the batter cover the pan completely, particular the edges. Return the pan back to the heat source.
  9. When the crepe is ready, the sides will come off the pan itself. If you are making a plain crepe, use a stick to lift up the crepe and gently flip the crepe over. Cook the crepe for another 30 seconds and slide it to a serving plate for serving, or keep it in an oven to keep it warm while you continue to cook the rest of the crepes.
    When the crepe is ready, the edge will come off the pan.
    To melt the chocolate chips, add the ingredients while cooking.
For savory crepes:
To make a savory crepe, right after the batter is poured into the pan, immediately add cheese and flake tuna into the middle of the crepe and carefully crack an egg on top. When the crepe is ready to be flipped, fold four sides towards the middle and leave the center open to display the egg yolk. Put a lid on the pan and turn the heat down to low. Cook for 4-5 minutes. When done, slide the crepe onto a serving plate and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately.

To make a sweet one, like what I made above, banana and chocolate, add the ingredients right after the batter is poured. Then fold the crepe into a square. You don't have to cook it with lid on as nothing is raw and the chocolate melts easily.
The first crepe is always the worst one! There was no color in this one.

For plain crepes:
Most of the time I make plain crepes, fold them in half then thirds so that they are like triangles. I will keep them warm in the oven until I finish cooking them all. The kids will set the table and laid out all the crepes toppings: peanut butter, maple syrup, condensed milk, fresh berries, bananas, chocolate name it.

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