Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purple Oatmeal

Since we started juicing, I became more cautious of what's in my diet. Not aiming for losing weight, but for a more healthy diet that involves minimal processed food and refined grains.
In the past, I usually packed a slice of toast for breakfast. For the past two weeks, I have been eating sweet potatoes in the morning. I would buy some small size ones, roast them in the oven on the weekends, and have one each morning. Last weekend I made this oatmeal that looked and tasted pretty good.

So here is the Purple Oatmeal from my kitchen:

Ingredients (yields 6 - 8 servings)
1 cup of steel cut oats
1 medium size purple yam, peeled and diced into 1cm cubes
1/2 cup of palm sugar
2 tbs. of flex seeds, ground
8 cups of water
8 cups of milk
2 eggs, beaten


  1. Add water and yam into a pot and bring it to a boil. Simmer on low heat with lid ajar for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
    The color is so pretty!
  2. While waiting for the yam to cook, rinse the oatmeal in a strainer under cold water to remove the excess oatmeal flour. Drain and set aside.
  3. Ground the flex seeds and set aside.
  4. Turn up the heat and add milk into the pot. Watch carefully as milk is super easy to boil over. Just when it is about to boil, add the oatmeal and stir well. Carefully bring it to a boil then turn the heat down to low. Simmer on low heat with lid ajar  for 30 minutes. Stir, all the way to the bottom of the pot every 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Add sugar and flex seeds then stir well.

  6. Slowly drizzle all the eggs in while stirring the oatmeal to break the eggs apart. Remove from heat.
  7. To serve, heat up the serving portion. Add a bit of milk if too thick.

I made a big pot of this in the weekend and stored it in smaller containers for the week. It is very soothing for the cold mornings.

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