Thursday, March 26, 2015

Green Tea Red Bean Creme Brulee

I bought a new little kitchen blow torch, so of course I have to try it with my creme brulee recipe. 
I have a lot of canned red beans left from making my Green Tea Waffles the other day, so I decided to go with my favorite green tea red bean flavor again. I tell myself that creme brulee is one of those not-so-guilty desserts, as the recipe does not call for any butter or oil. The sweetness can also be adjusted, and even the cream can be replaced by milk or skim milk, but of course, adding some cream will increase the creaminess. 

So here it is, the Green Tea Red Bean Creme Brulee from my kitchen:

Ingredients (make 3)
3 egg yolks
1 cup of heavy cream
1/2 cup of milk
2 tsp. of sugar (already reduced to offset the sweetness of the red beans)
2 tsp. of green tea powder
about 3 tbs. of canned red beans
more sugar for the topping, preferably coarse sugar 

  1. Heat up the cream, milk and sugar in a sauce pan and remove from heat just right before it boils. Whisk in the green tea powder.
  2. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Then slowly pour the hot cream mixture into the yolks while whisking. Pour the mixture through a strainer twice.
  3. Add the red beans into the middle of each ramekin. Place the ramekins into a deep oven dish then carefully pour the mixture from step 2 into the ramekins.
  4. Add boiling water into the deep oven dish up to half of the ramekins to create a water-bath. Be careful not to pour any water into the ramekins.
  5. Bake in a 350F preheated oven for 40 minutes. Remove the ramekins from the water-bath and let them cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours to set.
  6. When ready to serve, cover the top with a thin layer of sugar then blow-torch to finish. Let it sit for few minutes to allow the sugar to set before serving.

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