Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Angel Hair with Salmon and Julienne Vegetables

I decided to try a new method for cooking my pasta sauce last night. It was a method I learned from an Italian cooking show where the chef used it on a soup.
The outcome was pretty good; the caramelized minced onion added a sweet touch to the sauce. I didn't have any white wine handy or I would have used that for deglazing. If you want a lighter version, substitute half of the cream with broth.

Here is the Angel Hair with Salmon and Julienne Vegetables from my kitchen:

1/2 box of Angel Hair Pasta (I used 1 box but found that was way too much pasta. Half a box for this recipe should yield 3 adult servings)
1 lb. of salmon fillet
2 sweet bell peppers, thinly sliced
1 zucchini, thinly sliced
1 yellow onion
3 cloves of garlic 
1/2 cup of white wine
1/2 cup of cream (or 1/4 cup cream + 1/4 broth for lighter sauce)
Dry Parsley
Forgot to include cream and dry parsley.

  1. Cook the pasta in accordance with the instructions on the box but subtract one minute off the cooking time. Drain the pasta and reserve one cup of the pasta water.
  2. Mince the onion and garlic in a food processor.
  3. Thinly slice all the vegetables.
  4. Cut salmon into strips and mix in 1 tsp. of salt.
  5. In a hot frying pan, add some olive oil and stir fry the vegetable for 3 minutes. Add 1 tsp. of salt and stir fry for another minute. Remove from the pan and set aside.
  6. In the same pan, add oil and minced onion and garlic. Stir fry on low heat until it turns into a golden brown paste, about 8 minutes.
  7. Turn up the heat. If you use wine, add it now. If not, add cream and scrape the bits off the bottom of the pan. 
  8. If you use broth, add it now. Bring everything to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Turn the heat on high. Add the pasta into the sauce and mix well. Then mix in the vegetables. Add a bit of the reserved pasta water if it is too dry.
  10. Add salmon then turn off the heat. Mix everything together and let it sit for 5 minutes. The heat from the pasta and the hot pan will cook the salmon. Sprinkle dry parsley on top before serving.

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