Sunday, January 25, 2015

Grilled Pineapples with Cinnamon

We ate a delicious all you can eat Brazilian Grill dinner the other night that became a new favorite for everyone. The grilled steaks were great, of course, but one of my favorites was their grilled pineapples.
Two big skinned pineapples skewered on an iron rod, brushed with cinnamon and butter then grilled to golden brown. A server walked around with the skewered pineapples in hand, carved out thin slices onto our plates whenever he passed by our table. When all the golden grilled surface was carved, he took that back to the kitchen, added more cinnamon and butter, and started grilling them again. I couldn't stop asking for more and ate that pineapples with every bite of my steaks throughout the dinner. The blend of sweet and savory was a match made in heaven. It took tons of willpower for me to eventually put my fork down when my stomach was beyond full. 

The grilled pineapples seemed easy to make, so I gave it a try tonight. Here is the Grilled Pineapple with Cinnamon from my kitchen:

1 pineapple, skinned and cored
ground cinnamon
brown sugar
unsalted butter


  1. Cut the pineapple into long wedges, about 1 cm thick. Pat dry.
  2. In a hot pan, melt 1 tbs. of butter. 
  3. Keep the pan on medium high heat. Add pineapple wedges into the pan in single layer. Sprinkle about a pinch of each cinnamon and sugar then flip them over. Cook for 30 seconds.
  4. Sprinkle another pinch of cinnamon and brown sugar again. Flip over and cook for another 30 seconds minute.
  5. Serve hot with grilled meat as a main dish, or with ice-cream or whipped cream as dessert.

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