Monday, January 19, 2015

Making steamed rice without a rice cooker

This post is for my own reference. I never know how to make a good pot of steamed rice right without a rice cooker, until my friend recently showed me how. 

Here is the steamed rice from my kitchen:

One part of white Jasmine rice
One part of water


  1. Use a Dutch oven ideally, for it is good at retaining temperature. If not, a regular stainless steel pot is fine too.
  2. Rinse and gentle wash the rice under the tap until the water is no longer cloudy. Discard the water. 
  3. Add rice into the pot and add equal part of water.
  4. Place the pot on the stove with lid on and turn the heat to high. As soon as it boils, turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 15 minutes. DO NOT peek.
  5. Without opening the lid, turn off the heat and remove the pot from the stove. Let it steam for at least 10 minutes.
  6. Fluff up the cooked rice before serving.

Jasmine rice is usually served without any seasoning. If you really want to add seasonings like salt or butter, add it after the rice is cooked.

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